
Koji Tanaka, Hieu Chi Dam, Shigeto Kobayashi, Takashi Hashimoto & Mitsuru Ikeda (2016) Learning How to Learn through Experiential Learning Promoting Metacognitive Skills to Improve Knowledge Co-creation Ability, Procedia Computer Science, vol.99, pp.146–156. [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi, Makoto Nishibe, Ken-Ichi Kurita & Takashi Hashimoto (2008:10) Difference of money consciousness by social activities - Community currency participants vs financial institution participants - (in Japanese), Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences Working Paper Series, vol.85. [Abstract] [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2011) Benefits and limits of circuit breaker−Institutional design using artificial futures market−, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, vol.7, no.2, pp.355–372. [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2010) Analysis of institutional evolution in circuit breakers using the concepts of replicator and interactor, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, vol.7, no.1, pp.101–112. [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2009) Analysis of institutional evolution in circuit breakers using the concepts of replicator and interactor, Proceedings of the Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems (Complex '09), pp.300–307, USB-memory. (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2009) Access log analysis of magnet effect in circuit breaker, Proceedings of the Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems (Complex '09), pp.80–86, USB-memory. (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2005) Institutional Analysis of Circuit Breakers Using Artificial Stock Market (in Japanese), Proceedings of Symposium on Computational Science (Modeling and Problem Solving 2005). [Abstract] [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2009) Does circuit breaker have magnet effect? - Access log analysis of website on circuit breaker rules - (in Japanese), Research Report of JAIST School of Knowlege Science, pp.1–11. [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2006) Benefits and limits of circuit breakers - computational study using artificial stock market - (in Japanese), Proceedings of ISPJ Symposium Series (Modeling and Problem Solving), vol.10, pp.29–36. [Abstract] [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2009) Institutional evolution in circuit breaker (in Japanese), Proceedings of Evolutionary Economics, vol.13, CD-ROM. [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2007:1) Analysis of circuit breakers using artificial stock market. In M. Sugisaka & H. Tanaka (Ed.), Proceedings of The Twelvth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB07). [Abstract] [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2007) Analysis of random agents for enhancing market liquidity using artificial stock market (in Japanese), IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, vol.2007, no.86, pp.41–44. [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2007) Analysis of random agents for improving market liquidity using artificial stock market, Proceedings of ESSA'07 the 4th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association, pp.315–317. [Abstract] [Paper] (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi, Takashi Hashimoto, Ken-ichi Kurita & Makoto Nishibe (2013:6) Correlation between Currency Consciousness among Participants of Community Currency and Its Circulation, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems, pp.1–12. (view)

Shigeto Kobayashi, Yusuke Takahashi & Takashi Hashimoto (2012:9) Circulation Mechanism of Community Currency in Hilly and Mountainous Area: An Agent-based Simulation Study, Proceedings of The 8th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA 8th '12), pp.169–174. (view)